Thursday, January 1, 2009

Youngest Conservatives & Liberals

If you are a parent, then you know that you can decipher your child's or children's disposition early in their lives, sometimes even before they are born. In utero responses to certain types of music, light, or activity shed a great deal of light on the demeanor your child will likely have. Nevertheless, few if any have been able to determine their child's political leanings before birth or in infancy. I am no exception.

However, our children engaged in quite the philosophical conversation the other day as we were driving to my in-laws' home. They were discussing what and how people around the world ate. This led to my daughter telling my son that some people don't eat because they do not have anything to eat for lack of money. My son then declares, rather emphatically as is his usual style of speak, that everyone could have enough to eat if they wanted. They must simply work for it, some harder than others. Yet, he insists that the simple will and effort for money will suffice. My daughter responds that it is not that simple because not everyone can work.

The passion in their conversation really tickled me. I did not want to intervene, yet was compelled to when my son beckoned for me to settle their disagreement. What I said is not important here. What is absolutely insightful is where each would land along the political spectrum. I must say that I am not very surprised. My son lacks the general compassion that the universe has bestowed upon my daughter. His compassion is quite specific--belonging only to those he deems important, very typical of a Leo.

I wonder if they will remain this way or if they will vacillate or find themselves like so many who are not outright liberal or conservative. My hope is that they, more than anything, continue to think critically about the challenges that affect the human experience.

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