Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ban Black People from Customer Service

Employers across America, I beseech you, please refrain from selecting black people to fill your customer service positions. Unfortunately, customer service happens to be a skill lacking among black people. (Before you write rhyming Jesse or telephone permed Al Sharpton, there are exceptions to every rule and I am not the Creator. I do not speak in absolutes.)
Allow me to share with you some anecdotal evidence. The other day I telephoned a physician's office regarding a prescription with the intent of having the physician or a nurse respond to my inquiry. When I called, Shaquandalika (my standard name for these types--because their multi-syllabic names are always something identically or nearly that repulsive) answered. I knew it was she because I'd just met her at the office a couple of days prior and witnessed, in person, her less than courteous manner. Well, when I called and explained very politely that I would like to have a nurse return my call, she asked which nurse. I told her that it didn't matter (this is a specialty practice, not a clinic or urgent care center for whatever ails you). She abruptly responded, "Yes it does matter too ma'am." I suppose the "ma'am" was intended to assuage my discontent. What she should have asked is what physician I had seen or stated that nurses work alongside specific physicians (which would have been a stretch of the truth, but far more professional than her response).

This is just too much. The previous receptionist was a very polite and professional woman who happened to be caucasian. This is not to say that all blacks are impolite or that all caucasians are polite. It is only to say that polite service from someone black has become the exception and not the rule. Another example, my mother visited my brother's school and encountered the office attendant with one hand in a chip bag (I've come to find this standard practice among most black women working a "desk" job.) My mother inquired about contact information for a faculty member and the attendant asks my mother for the person's email stating "Come on now, you supposed to help me out." Seriously?? The lack of professionalism among blacks, particularly those who loosen what little professionalism they have even more when the customer is black is disappointing and appalling. Needless to say, due to such experiences, I often cringe when a black person is the only one available to assist me fully expecting to receive hood service. I'm rarely disappointed.


Jay Midnyte said...

Well your profile is right. You do come straight with your writing.

I find that this problem of black people and customer service usually is related to the environment. Black people who don't grow up around the hoods usually are more polite. Would you agree?

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with everything stated in this post. The thing is, black customer service attendants get upset when customers request assistance - unfortunately, they seem to not be able to grasp the concept of assisting customers being their sole purpose while employed as a customer service attendant. Don't get me wrong, I've had terrible service from whites attendants as well, but black attendants seem to go out of their way to be particularly nasty, even when 1) unprovoked and 2) approached with every common courtesy another human being would impart on a stranger. Why managers hire these unprofessional miscreants, I do not understand.

You know the phrase "You catch more flies with honey"? Well, in the case of black customer service it's "Honey will get sh*t, along with the flies, thrown right back into your face."

Unknown said...

Wow, i just came across this ridiculous blog and your stereotypical nonsense. "I offend". Pretty much you do, but trust me, it's not something of which you should be proud.

vincentchase said...
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vincentchase said...

beeen around the world to lots of places...ghetto people in every race....BUt the blacks Triumphed every place, call me prejudice IDGAF Blacks are the worse > there the best at being ghetto Animals, i know black people who fcken hate those ghetto ass blacks cuz they make the hard working normal ones look bad or sterotyped. SMH i havent lived in one nieghbor hood where a black residence did anything in the neighborhood, but stand outside all fucken day, cat call every women who walks by, "dogging" you, playing loud music, trash all over their place, i mean i can go on and on.

Unknown said...

Damn!! Sounds just like my block in South Philly!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I totally agree. If you could randomly walk to any business and do a survey of customer conplaints. Blacks would top them all of being rude, unhelpful. Just try a DMV as an example.

leftistsaremorons said...

Consider this: the US Military will not accept into any of its branches anyone with an I.Q. of 83 or lower, stating that there are no positions or tasks which can be performed COMPETENTLY at this level of intelligence. Now, consider that the AVERAGE I.Q. of an American negro (with at least some some small percentage of Caucasian DNA)is in the LOW 80s. The I.Q. of a pure Sub-Saharan negro with no Caucasian DNA is SUB-70s-mental retardation level. The problem lies in GENETICS, NOT education, environment or training. Reference the works of geneticist Dr. James Watson for a more detailed, comprehensive explanation.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that , I will reference Dr Watson , Sounds interesting and explains a lot .I also think its culture.Im trying to wrack my brains and think of anything black people have ever built.Discounting pyramids because egyptians are genetically connected to caucasian genes, that is scientific fact.Even countries that have never experienced invasion or slavery such as Ethiopia , there is nothing built , no infrastructure .