Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tebow, CBS, and Choice

Now, I make no bones and certainly no apologies about being staunchly pro-life without exception. Therefore, it is with little irony that I weigh in on the Tebow Super Bowl advertisement controversy. First, as usual, the always complaining and nagging feminist groups are making much ado about nothing. These groups which claim to be "pro-choice" are revealing their true colors. They are barking, petitioning, and whining, "no fair" because CBS has accepted an advertisement from the Xian conservative group Focus on the Family. The feminists would like to deny this group their First Amendment Rights in favor of a right to privacy and a freedom of choice they say without even having seen the commercial. Further, these groups say that CBS is violating its policy of not airing commercials from advocacy groups during the Super Bowl, and I must admit until CBS recently changed this policy they had grounds of merit, that is if that were their real reason for opposing it. I have a great deal of difficulty believing that.

I do believe, as NPR suggested, that CBS isn't so much supporting one ideology or another as much as they are supporting revenue. It is no secret that the cost of airing a 30 second spot has been lowered this year as the country's economic troubles continue. Even more important, however, is that television networks have made no secret of their favor for money over integrity or even morality. Now this is where the feminist groups NOW, NARAL, and any of the other ones should be able to relate to the CBS decision. They are in fact getting a great dose of their very own hypocritical medicine. These same groups attacked Palin for being the very kind of woman they allege represents the pinnacle of achievement in women's rights and in this case these same groups oppose an ad which demonstrates a woman exercising choice over her reproductive rights. Nonetheless, these hypocrites don't want the exercise of reproductive rights to include reproduction. Now isn't that ironic?

Despite the "medical advice" given to Palin and Tebow, these women chose to respect their unborn children and give them life, apparently much to the dismay of NOW, NARAL, and other feminists. Feminists, please get over yourselves. This ad demonstrates exactly what you claim to advocate which is choice. Because the choice happens to be life and how precious it truly is, you have a problem with that? Now that is hypocrisy. CBS is only demonstrating the same double standards that are fundamental to your ideology. I implore you to create your version of a pro-choice commercial. Perhaps one of you will come forward in the commercial and confess to choosing to abort a baby. I mean since it is only a choice regarding only your body and your reproductive rights, of what do you have to be ashamed?


"streetlights" said...
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"streetlights" said...
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"streetlights" said...

Wow! When I read your posting the first thought that came to my mind was that you are able to capture an entire picture in a glance. Throughout history the majority of us have allowed ourselves to be manipulated by our feelings, which are often times saturated by the influence of the tainted information that is presented to us. When I first saw the Tebow commercial, I liked the message, but I failed to attain an in-depth understanding of how the message would be received by others. Thank you for helping me to challenge my overall intellect in order to see clearer.