Monday, December 22, 2008

A Case for Santa

If you've ever read my blog or even been in my presence, you surely know I'm not one for mainstream thinking and ideas, particularly when it comes to Xmas. I am a mother of young children and we have never nor do we ever anticipate lavishing them with gifts on the alleged birthday of Jesus, one of the Xian deities of the trinity. It is commercialism at its best. However, that is a topic for another post. Today, as ironic as it may be, I am writing to make a case for Santa.

I'm not one to judge other parents for promoting the myth of Santa to their children. After all, it is their tradition and traditions are a form of bondage difficult to break. Parents like to live vicariously through their children through the myth of Santa for it reminds them of their childhood pleasantries. I still don't get it for I'd much rather my children have their existence free of my burdens and insecurities, but that is just me.

Until the other day, I did not dare think I would see or hear something that would encourage me to promote the myth of St. Nick. Yet, I have. As I listened to XM Radio the other day, the d.j. began to share the story of a nine year old girl who had written a letter to Santa asking him to stop her uncle from fondling her. My immediate reaction was that the uncle should be castrated. Then, my thoughts went to the little girl. How brave of her to write Santa about her terrible experience. This is the kind of experience that young girls keep secret for decades for fear of retribution and or admonishment. This is a shame that young girls harbor into womanhood that often denigrates future relationships. Yet there was some intense attachment to hope in Santa's power. It is this story and others like it which would lead me to make a case for Santa.

Nonetheless, Santa is indeed a myth. In this situation, someone obviously found and read the child's letter and was able to intervene. What of all the children who really do need help and write to this imaginary man only to never receive it? For those children, can the case for Santa be made?


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

happy nappy holidays folk

Real Lovely said...

Thanks for sharing this story. I can see based on your blogs that we may be of similar wavelengths on many matters. Back to the case at hand, I see the point your making as far as the whole "santa" thing maybe being a catalyst for positive resolution in this instance. It just frustrates me how willing many people are to just blindly follow observances and ways of living simply because that's the way it's always been done. The reality is this little girl (& many like her) have been led to believe that some stranger in a red suit is going to save them from their troubles. It's a shame that she wasn't taught about Jesus and how he is the only way to get strength, guidance and comfort to endure what life brings. I am not judging her "guardians" but I will say that they have played a part in this tragic story by not raising her in the right way that she should go. I will continue to pray for the ones like her who need someone to truly care. As for that whole "satan" a.k.a santa situation, I wish I could show the info @ this link to everyone and have them see the TRUTH!