Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back to ER

I've been a Grey's Anatomy fan from the beginning. I have long favored it over that horrible day time soap opera Desperate Housewives. However, this season premiere has been awful. It isn't over yet, but I don't see any salvation in the final seven minutes. I mean, seriously, Kristina with an icicle in the abdomen? If that isn't the silliest mess I've seen in a long time. I mean, I expect such idiocy from Nip Tuck (which I love), you just have certain expectations.
Three older wives in a limo wreck and their husbands in a separate limo wreck. That plot was a train wreck. It was too convoluted to develop any connections with these people. This ranks as one of the most horrible episodes, except for the episode when Izzie operates on a deer. The doctors beg for trauma patients? WTF!
ER was my favorite medical drama for a long time and Noah Wylie is returning and Angela Bassett will now be a cast member. It looks like it is back to ER for me unless Grey's gets back to its core. Paging Dr. Burke!


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i have never seen eaither - im a lame i know.

Rebecca said...



What is pink? A rose is pink

By the fountain's brink.


What is red? A poppy's red

In its barley bed.


What is blue? The sky is blue

Where the clouds float thro'.


What is white? A swan is white

Sailing in the light.


What is yellow? Pears are yellow,

Rich and ripe and mellow.


What is green? The grass is green,

With small flowers between.


What is violet? Clouds are violet

In the summer twilight.


What is orange? Why, an orange,

Just an orange!

---------- by runescape powerleveling