Friday, September 5, 2008

Tupac & the Overrated Blender Magazine

First, if you know me, you know I LOVE Tupac. He is the first, the last, the everything. Period. Blender, some okiedoke magazine, in a move to sell copies and get internet hits I'm sure, had the audacity to list Tupac as the most overrated rapper. Are you kidding me? Perhaps they have not truly listened to his music. Perhaps they are only familiar with the media's portrayal or the legend and not the man. Surely that is it. He was a poet, an activist for social and political justice, and a man facing the extreme challenge of public persecution.

If any rapper is overrated it is Jay Z from whom I've never heard an original rhyme. Everything he says Biggie or in the case of Bonnie & Clyde, Tupac said first. Nevertheless, I'm no hater. Even Jay Z deserves credit for massive cross over and pop appeal. Still, Tupac challenged thinking. He was one of the first celebrities to publicly and vehemently attack law enforcement for its unjust treatment of black males. He wrote and rhymed honestly about the tribulations of the black male without a father, the child of an addicted mother, the plight of the impoverished. This is the man who was the first rapper to command both film and the airwaves. Though I didn't particularly care for the movie, his portrayal of a psychopath in Juice has been critically acclaimed. He quotes Julius Caesar in his music. You mean to tell me a man of this intellect is overrated, particularly in a genre of bling this, bling that, Benz this, etc.

Clearly Blender is speaking of its own pitiful excuse for a publication when it says overrated. That garbage isn't fit to line the cages at one of Michael Vick's dog fights. Blender is just trying to create controversy to attract readers for its unread trash. Tupac asks on disc one of All Eyez on Me, "Does a bear s&^% in the woods and wipe its a&& with a fluffy white rabbit?" It is now obvious that the bear uses blender.

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