Tuesday, September 9, 2008

School Fundraisers

Enough already! We are only nine weeks into the school year and our children's school has had no fewer than nine fundraisers. Each week in each of the children's homework folders, we receive a slew of fundraiser related papers. New fundraiser, SAVE the TREES and stop using all of this paper. Oh and by the way, save money by not using so much paper, ink, and manpower to harass parents into harassing others. Save my sanity. I am unable to keep up with what I'm peddling. I'll soon committ the error of trying to sell Avon to a male co-worker.

I was warned about this from other parents whose children are older. One mother says that she writes a check to her children's school at the beginning of each year with the promise that she will not be badgered with the fundraisers. I'm just about there. They beat you over the head with it. No wonder aptitude is on life support. The teachers have become professional fundraisers instead of instructors. They could easily use these skills to become directors at non-profits.

Last Wednesday alone, there were three fundraiser solicitations in each of the children's folders. So I received six in one day. Oh no, there is no multi-child forgiveness. You are expected to raise twice as much. This is insane. We have certainly lost focus here. Amazingly, prior to Board vs BOE, when Negro schools had next to nothing, they made learning happen. What happened to that ingenuity, that making a dollar out of $.50?

Well, at least they are not begging. These are legitimate fundraisers which if nothing else, will teach our children about the grind. There is nothing more distasteful to me (with regard to fundraisers) than to see children on corners with buckets begging for money. Wash my car, sell me a Snickers or something. Begging sends the wrong message. Well, all of this fundraising sends a clear and resounding message of our misplaced priorities. Billions of dollars for war and $2.00 and a Snicker for education.

BTW, if you have any Box Tops for Education or Campbell's Soup labels, holler at your girl. No seriously. Oh and stop by the Chick Fil A in GA on Thursdays; send me your receipt. No, seriously.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u know i am the only black man in muy son's PTA. and do u own a dog, i opened a store for dogs on edgewood, u should stop by one day u can see it here
update on new hustle #4

Torri Bradshaw said...

LOL!!! Kendall was calling me at 5 asking about magazine subscriptions, and couldn't spell either of the words. Good luck with that!! Let me know when it's time to buy wrapping paper or some crap like that, and I'll help K and K out!

Rebecca said...


(Part I)

Who has seen the wind?

Neither I nor you;

But when the leaves hang trembling,

The wind is passing through.

(Part II)

Who has seen the wind?

Neither you nor I;

But when the trees bow down their heads,

The wind is passing by.

O wind , why do you never rest,

Wandering, whistling to and fro,

Bring rain out of the west,

From the dim north bringing snow?

~by rs gold