Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bert & Ernie

Okay, my husband's favorite Sesame Street characters as a child were Bert & Ernie. The suggestions that the two were an item have become fervent pop culture rumors. Well, my husband has recently acquired a rather annoying habit of watching Family Guy reruns. The lacking television summer line up has apparently taken its hold--that combined with his injured foot (at least this is his excuse for suspending our jogging regimine). So the other day, Family Guy featured a Bert & Ernie sketch that my husband DVR'd (is that a word?) because he just had to share it with me. In the sketch, Bert & Ernie are sharing one bed, naked, and Bert gets out of the bed and Ernie says "Bert, you told me you were going to stop drinking." My husband rolls on the floor in laughter. Apparently, I'm missing something. It just wasn't funny to me. I never gave much thought to Bert or Ernie's sexual orientation or any other of Jim Henson's characters.

My husband has a penchant for primetime cartoons (The Simpsons & King of the Hill) and perhaps it was nostalgic to see the union of a childhood favorite with a newer one. At any rate, no real rhyme or reason to this post other than to solicit opinions about Bert & Ernie because I just didn't get it. Oscar the Grouch was my favorite Sesame Street character so I imagine I would get it if it were Oscar.

1 comment:

Torri Bradshaw said...

Yeah, I've heard and read comments about B&E being the first sign of homosexuality a child sees. I think I kinda agree, or at least I'll acknowledge the fact that they were pretty friendly. As a child, I didn't know about homosexuality, but today it's alot different. I remember babysitting my next door neighbor's children, ages 8 and 10, and they were talking about Cuba Goodings character in some movie, and how he was a "fag". I wouldn't have imagined talking about this type of behavior as a child, or even knowing about it. My how times have changed.

Whether B&E were just friends, or were "friends" is debatable...